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Deep Search Selections | Root Beer Rock Pebbles | Cannabis Clones

Deep Search Selections | Root Beer Rock Pebbles | Cannabis Clones

(Alien Rock Candy X (Root Beer Pebbles (FPOG F5 x Root Beer BX2 F2)))

Regular price $100.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $100.00 USD
Sale Sold out
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Deep Search Selections | Tested Info Diagram

Harvest Window (Indoor) : 56-63 Days

Harvest Window (Greenhouse/Light Dep) : 56-63 Days

Harvest Window (Outdoor) : Early-Mid October

Lineage: Alien Rock Candy X (Root Beer Pebbles (FPOG F5 x Root Beer BX2 F2))



  Deep Search Selections (DSS) makes NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER with respect of the Good or any products or proceeds thereof, including, without limitation, any warranty of merchantability, warranty of fitness for a particular purpose, or warrant against infringement of intellectual property rights of a third party, whether expressed or implied by law, course of dealing, course of performance, usage of trade or otherwise.

CLAIMS: Customers must report any product shortages, freight damage and initial quality claims, documented with photos, to within 24 hours of receipt of shipment. No claims on quality will be accepted after this 24 hour initial claim window. DSS warrants and represents that the Goods are healthy, female plants propagated from mother plants of the specific variety or varieties indicated. The foregoing representation and warrant is personal solely to Buyer with respect to Goods purchased hereunder and shall not pass to any subsequent purchaser, holder or other third party. Upon purchase the buyer acknowledges and agrees that DSS has not made or makes no (and Buyer has not relied on any) representation, warranty, promise, or guarantee of any nature, and DSS shall have no liability, with respect to:

● Origin or quality of the Goods
●The suitability of the Goods for Buyer’s needs and environment
● The performance or use of the Goods or any part thereof
● The production of any seed, fruit, oil or other plant material or product of the Goods
● The ability to extract any oils or any given volume of oil from any part of the Goods
● The growth of the Goods
● The Ability to sell or realize any profit or gain from all or any part of the Goods or any product or plant material derived therefrom; or
● The fitness of any Goods or any part thereof for any particular end use, human consumption or any purpose whatsoever, whether commercial or domestic
Don't hesitate to use our CONTACT FORM if you have any questions before or after your purchase.

NOTE: All clones naturally contain <0.3% THC as described by Federal Law. We encourage our customers to check the legislation in their country, state, or province, and municipality prior to purchasing items from this store. In the US, we do not ship to Kansas or Kentucky due to State Legislation. 


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